Saturday, February 12, 2011


I re-read Twilight Eclipse, and I find it exceptionally weird how I can kind of relate to Bella swan. Difference is this is the real world and there is no such thing as vampires and werewolves and love is only an emotion with one. I still believe Bella Swan should've chosen Jacob, but I guess the bond between her and Edward was that strong. Simba, he's my Edward. If anything happen to him it would kill me. I care for him as much as anything in life. Now Sweetheart, he's Jacob. Strong-willed, stubborn, not so much of a hot head. I care a lot about this kid but I'm not in love with him.

 Simba, I've been in love with since age 16. The first day I met him. I remember it, I remember plenty between him and I. For example, Junior year of highschool, before we actually were "Boyfriend/Girlfried" we would write notes back and forth to each other. Go out of our way when our classes were completely on the opposite side of the school to give it to them. Its crazy. We just fit, he made life that much better, it was easier. I could read him like easily. I still can and he drives me crazy sometimes. We rarely argue. and I d k . He's my smoking gun.

Sweetheart, he;s complicated, not so easy to understand soemtimes, but still amazing in his own way. Slow to warm up but when he does, its a great feeling. I feel like I've started to depend on him. He's my drug and I'm addicted. I can't  explain it, he's like an adrenaline rush. I can't just let it go, but I'm scared that it'll leave anytime soon. I want it to stay longer, make my heart beat faster. Thats just how I feel with him . 

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